Training for the gym

Training for the gym


The workout complex includes a variety of exercises chosen to be performed in the gym 3 times a week for a month.


With concern for you!


We have selected for you the advice of coaches, proven by time and their personal experience.

Strength exercises lead to an acceleration of metabolism, burning excess fat, strengthening muscles and ligaments, and the appearance of an athletic silhouette. Such programs do not lead to the growth of muscle mass, especially in women, due to the low intensity and peculiarities of the female body (in particular, the hormonal background).
Training for men
From the first days we focus on legs, torso, chest and back, and make sure to work out the legs and buttocks. The training program in the gym for men consists of the following exercises and their variations:

  • pull-ups with weight;
  • squats with weights;
  • Bench presses;
  • bench press;
  • Dumbbell tilt pull;
  • deadlift, etc.

Training for women
If you have an irregular exercise schedule, it is recommended to do exercises for all muscle groups during each workout. If you need to work particularly hard on a certain area, then the training program in the gym for girls is made with this in mind. Classes usually include the following types of exercises:

  • weighted lunges;
  • pull-ups;
  • pulling up the upper block;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • dumbbell pulls;
  • hyperextension;
  • curls, etc.

The training program necessarily implies a preliminary warm-up. Devote the first 5-10 minutes of the gym to doing light cardio, then move on to preparing the joints. Particularly important is the warm-up of the joints for those who have had a sports injury.
Power exercises of the program are performed in 3-4 approaches and 7-10 reps each. The last 2 or 3 reps must be difficult enough but without damaging the technique. If you find that you can easily do 12 reps, increase working weight. Light exercises with dumbbells are performed in 12-15 reps.

The workout program in the gym 3 times a week consists of an alternate workout of different body segments. This mass training program is designed for athletes with medium to high level of training, mainly mesomorphs.

Have a great workout!

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