Author: admin

Nutrition before training

The main goal of training is to form a beautiful and healthy body. And in achieving this goal one of the key roles is played by what you eat. Especially a lot of questions are raised by the organization of nutrition before a workout: is it possible to eat before a workout, and if so, […]

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Once again about warming up

The structure of any training session is a flexible system, it depends entirely on the goals you set for yourself when you come to the training session, but there are also mandatory components. One of them is the warm-up, the presence or absence of which in the training complex depends on the effectiveness of the […]

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Cardio workouts for burning fat

Cardio has the best effect on the cardiovascular system. In this regard, you don’t even have to choose between cardio or strength training, the benefits of the former for health promotion have long been proven. But the effect of burning fat cardio gives only under certain conditions. For example, a ten-minute warm-up on an elliptical […]

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